Our Bubble


I had bought this bubble machine a year ago on a whim and recently rediscovered it while reorganising the pots on our balcony. It inspired us to enjoy the simple, sunny moments; watching the little rainbows form in the curves of the bubbles. We are transformed into children without a care in the world and
so I smugly hang the machine just over the railing to blow its bubble spawn out into the world .

But now, observing them, I am transformed. I am... David Attenbubble. "Depending on the direction of the wind, most of the bubbles will perish, yet many others may flourish... For them, it is worth the risk... Swirling in the whirlwind like a flock of birds on their last flight, the fight for survival begins. Their engorged, shiny menisci dance furiously in the hopes that they can attract and merge together with another willing bubble into one... mega-bubble. Few will be so lucky. And, alas, this parade will last for mere seconds before they will ultimately perish with a light pop and fizzle. The bubbles burst with a quick, wet sparkle before they disappear into thin air... Marvelous." Em / Amsterdam


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