The meaning of Sociable Objects

Il significato di Oggetti Socievoli

Book’ authors interviews

The book “The season of home objects” was a collaboration with writers, academics, artists and designers. Here you can find some insights of their essays and their view on the project throughout interviews hosted by Prisca Arosio.

Il libro “La stagione degli oggetti per la casa” è stata una collaborazione con scrittori, accademici, artisti e designer. Qui potete trovare degli approfondimenti dei loro saggi e del loro punto di vista sul progetto attraverso delle interviste condotte da Prisca Arosio.


A conversation with Matilde Vaghi

Matilde Vaghi is the writer of the essay “A psychological view | Uno sguardo psicologico”


A conversation with Marco Trussardi

Marco Trussardi is the writer of “DAD”


A conversation with Bianca Stoppani

Bianca Stoppani is the writer of the text “For Now | Per ora”


A conversation with Lara Debie

Lara Debie is the writer of “A letter of reflection | Una lettera di riflessione”