A conversation with Paolo Boccagni

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Paolo and Prisca discuss the research interest of Paolo on home and migration and, specifically, the large project “HOMInG: the home-migration nexus. Home as a window on migrant belonging, integration and circulation” https://homing.soc.unitn.it/. Paolo explains how his studies approach themes of home and how they intersect with migration and integration by talking about his articles  “Feeling at home across time and place: A study of Ecuadorians in three European cities” and “‘Stayhome’ as a YouTube performance”.

Paolo Boccagni is a Professor in Sociology (University of Trento). He has published in migration, home, diversity and social welfare studies. He is currently doing comparative research on the lived experience of home, with a particular focus on the temporalities and boundary-making of asylum seekers in reception facilities. His emerging research interests involve the practice of homing, the social working of metaphor, the ways of coping with absence and distance, and the significance of future-related imaginaries and practices. 


[IT] Paolo Boccagni è Professore Ordinario di Sociologia (Università di Trento). Ha pubblicato studi sulla migrazione, la casa, la diversità e il benessere sociale. Attualmente sta svolgendo una ricerca comparata sull'esperienza vissuta della casa, con particolare attenzione alle temporalità e alla definizione dei confini dei richiedenti asilo nelle strutture di accoglienza. I suoi interessi di ricerca emergenti riguardano la pratica dell'homing, il funzionamento sociale della metafora, i vari modi di affrontare l'assenza e la distanza, e il significato degli immaginari e delle pratiche legate al futuro.


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