A conversation with Kim Barbour

Kim and Prisca discuss the research 'A sense of home: two perspectives of migrant persona building in 2020' by Saira Ali and Kim Barbour.  Kim also talks about her paper  'Sharing #home on Instagram’ by Kim Barbour, Lydia Heise, Media International Australia Vol 172, Issue 1, 2019 and her view on how social media users were influenced by the lockdown experiences in taking photos of home and objects.

Dr Kim Barbour is a qualitative new media scholar and tenured Senior Lecturer in the Department of Media at the University of Adelaide. Kim’s research looks at online persona, the strategic production of identity through digital media, and particularly focuses on the domestic use of social media. She teaches into the undergraduate Bachelor of Media degree, and supervises Honours and Post-Graduate student research.

Kim is the co-founding and managing editor of the Persona Studies journal, an online, open access journal exploring the construction of the public self. Her co-authored book Persona Studies: An Introduction (Wiley Blackwell) was released in 2019. She has published articles in Celebrity Studies, TDR: The Drama Review, M/C Journal, Media International Australia, and First Monday. Kim has chapters in edited collections published by Palgrave McMillan, Routledge, and Adelaide University Press.


[IT] La dottoressa Kim Barbour è una studiosa qualitativa dei nuovi media e docente senior presso il Dipartimento di Media dell'Università di Adelaide. La ricerca di Kim riguarda la persona online, la produzione strategica di identità attraverso i media digitali, e si concentra in particolare sull'uso domestico dei social media. Insegna nel corso di laurea in Media e supervisiona le ricerche degli studenti Honours e Post-Graduate.

Kim è co-fondatrice e redattrice della rivista Persona Studies, una rivista online ad open access che esplora la costruzione del sé pubblico. Il suo libro Persona Studies: An Introduction (Wiley Blackwell) è stato pubblicato nel 2019. Ha pubblicato articoli su Celebrity Studies, TDR: The Drama Review, M/C Journal, Media International Australia e First Monday. Kim ha capitoli in raccolte pubblicate da Palgrave McMillan, Routledge e Adelaide University Press.


A conversation with Christopher K. Travis


A conversation with Lorenza Liandru (IT)