A conversation with Michela Bassanelli (IT)

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Michela and Prisca discuss the book “Covid Home: Luoghi e modi dell’abitare, dalla pandemia in poi” curated by Michela Bassanelli published in March 2020 by LetteraVentidue. Michela also talks about her own research which looks at ‘the housing threshold’ meant as corridors, entrances,ground floors, shared terraces etc. The underlying questions are what was the role of these spaces during lockdown experiences, how we could repurpose them for new needs, such as remote working, and what could be their new role in today's society. Find her article here “Lavoro immateriale e pandemia. Dalla worksphere all'Ho-Wo’ in-between”. During the interview Michela mentions the books: Augé, Marc, Estia e Hermes, “Domus”, n. 900, 2007. ‘Pornotopia: An Essay on Playboy’s Architecture and Biopolitics’ by Paul Preciado, ​​'Vivere, lavorare nelle piattaforme territoriali' by Aldo Bonomi.

Michela Bassanelli, PhD, is Assistant Professor in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano. Her research focuses on domestic interiors, exhibition design, and practices of disseminating collective memory through a multidisciplinary theoretical approach. Recently, she has been working on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on changes in contemporary living. Among her publications: Storie di case oltre la casa (2022); Covid Home: Luoghi e modi dell’abitare, dalla pandemia in poi (2020).


[IT] Michela Bassanelli, PhD, è docente a contratto di Architettura degli Interni ed Exhibition Design presso il Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani del Politecnico di Milano. La sua ricerca si concentra sugli interni domestici, sull'exhibition design e sulle pratiche di diffusione della memoria collettiva attraverso un approccio teorico multidisciplinare. Recentemente si è occupata degli effetti della pandemia Covid-19 sui cambiamenti dell'abitare contemporaneo. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Storie di case oltre la casa (2022); Covid Home: Luoghi e modi dell'abitare, dalla pandemia in poi (2020).


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